Friday, November 20

Animal of the Day

A cow

  • spends 8 hours a day eating
  • drinks almost a bathtub full of water everyday
  • produces 40 glasses of milk a day
  • have 4 stomachs
  • has no upper front teeth
  • only has sweat glands in its nose
  • produces 200 times more gas than a human does

Wednesday, November 18

Animal of the Day - Elephants

Elephants' eyes are only slightly larger than humans

The average elephant weighs less than a blue whale's tongue

An elephant's trunk has 40,000 muscles

They can hear the footsteps of tiny creatures such as mice

Elephants cry when a loved one dies

Elephants never forget.

Sunday, November 15

Creature Feature

HIPPOS are the only animals that can communicate both underwater and on the ground

KANGAROO RATS talk by stamping their feet

PRAIRIE DOGS have one of the most advanced languages..with more than 100 words

MALE GIRAFFES press their necks together to practice their fighting skills!

Monday, November 9

Animal of the Day - Platypus!

Known for its “duck-like” appearance, the Platypus is actually a mammal and is perfectly suited to live underwater and underground.

The Bill – The platypus’ bill isn’t hard like a bird’s beak, but rather it’s made out of soft cartilage (the same substance that makes your ears and nose).

Babies – The duckbilled platypus lays eggs. Each egg sticks to the fur of the mother’s belly. They hatch into platypups, and continue to stick to their mother’s fur for three months.

Claws – When the male platypus is attacked it protects itself by clawing at its enemy with the spurs on its hind legs. Not only are they sharp but they contain poison – enough to kill a dog

Habitat – They are only found in Eastern Australia in fresh water rivers and banks.

Wednesday, November 4

Animal of the Day - Polar Bear

A polar bear is the only mammal with hair on the soles of its feet

They are the tallest bears, up to 10 feet tall

ALL lefthanded!

They don't drink water

Their fur reflects the light and is also great for camouflage

It hides it back nose with its paws or in the snow to blend into the environment when catching its prey

Monday, November 2

Animal of the Day - Kangaroos

1) There are 45 kinds of kangaroos, including wallabies, wallleroos, and pademelons.

2) Male Kangaroos are called boomers; females are flyers,

3) If you lift a kangaroo’s tail off the ground it can’t jump.

4) Kangaroos can go for months without water

5) A group of kangaroos is called a “mob”

Kanagaroos really do punch at each other when they fight. One prizefighting kangaroo escaped from a Japanese zoo and knocked out three men before two policemen who knew judo finally stopped him.