Sunday, May 31

Circus Tricks

Animals do indeed play a big role in our everyday life. Even the most hardcore animal lovers, me included, would admit to watching a circus of some sort which features animals? I have. And i am ashamed of that.

I am sure that almost all of us have been to a circus, watched it and enjoyed it. There’s a few things we don’t know though. We don’t know what their living conditions are. We don’t know how they are trained. You would not be happy if you were forced to do headstands and sit-ups and being prodded with whips from your trainer as a punishment.

At the end, the animals learn to do the tricks because they’re scared of being punished. They have to endure endless days of training, practicing and hours of performing. At the end of the day, they rest in poor and cramped conditions, but the circus camp can actually afford to improve the animal’s living conditions, they just want to maximize profit and they don’t care if the animals suffer.

They shouldn’t be treated like this! How would you feel if you were them? The animals should be released into their natural habitats instead of being trained for something that normal animals don’t do. Trainers should get it into their head that animals do not naturally ride bicycles or jump through rings of fire.

Friday, May 29

Dogs and How You Should Treat 'Em

A dog needs freedom! Even you would't want to be taking orders from someone 24/7!

If you have a dog, please try to take these measures (tick off the ones you've done!)

- Allow them playtime
- 4-5 times per day, bring them out for a chance to relief themselves, i'm sure you know how uncomfortable it is to have an exploding bladder with no toilet nearby!
- Feed them before you eat! How would you feel if you were starving and someone came up to you and started eating your favorite dish?
- Teach them house rules. If they misbehave, that is YOUR responsibility.
- Never ever hit them! 

Wednesday, May 27


Meow! I don't really know THAT much about cats but here is all that i know:

- Keep your cat's litter box clean clean clean! I'm sure you would not like to put your hand into the litter box, just like your cat wouldn't, when it's dirty. Yuck!
- Just the opposite of dogs, cats should be kept indoors, unless you really want to bring them out, then you must have an eye on them 24/7.
- Make sure their collars are the right size (applies for dogs too!) Try to fit 3 fingers within the collar (this is something i learnt from doing charity) Check if often if your pet is young because he/she will be growing!

Wednesday, May 20

Friends For Life

This photo really touched me. (Remember, none of the photos are credits to me, unless they're taken by me during charity work)

Monday, May 18


Summer is Tick And Flea Season! Remember to groom your pet often to prevent this problem. Fleas feed on animal blood and cause problems such as skin irritation, anemia and even death! Some can carry tapeworms which can invest your pet and make it really REALLY sick. 

Friday, May 15

Ethiopian Girl Guarded By Tigers

Wow. This is simply astonishing.

Click here to read the article!


I have always been a dog lover, more than a cat lover, sorry for being biased but here:

Wednesday, May 6


Keeping rodents such as gerbils, hamsters, guinea pigs may be tough although they are small. Here's some tips off the top of my head! Use it as a checklist if you want.

- A private space. Everyone wants their privacy, just like hamsters do. So give them some private space to rest in and have some privacy of their own. You can buy it or create one of your own. I've seen a few nice houses for hamsters, pumpkin shaped etc. Or you can simpy make one out of cardboard and cutting out holes as small windows and doors.

- A clean comfortable cage with a lot of shavings or newspaper sheets. Try to avoid wood because it's extremely difficult to clean and hamsters do defecate a lot!

- Toys. Boredom kills. Give them running wheels, connected toilet rolls as a tunnel or ropes and ladders to climb on.

Saturday, May 2


Here's a small checklist to see if you're taking care of your tiny cute rodents! I will continue this list once i put more thought in it!

- A large cage for hamsters to run around. Although they can run around in the cage, bring them outside the house to let them run in your room or something, but make sure they don't get stuck or anything!

- Keep the cage clean, clean it around once a week or so.

- Feed them treats. Raisins, seeds. They love them.