Wednesday, February 29

No Shark Fin Pledge

Some people don't know how harmful shark fin is. Not to us. But to the sharks.

Each year, millions of sharks are hunted, have their fins sliced off, and then are thrown back into the ocean, dead or dying. "Finning" is done to satisfy an appetite for dishes such as shark fin soup, which may be served by Chinese restaurants and during Chinese New Year celebrations, weddings, and other events. 

Consuming shark fin soup helps exacerbate the cruel and unnecessary finning practice. Shark fin does not have much flavor and it may contain high levels of mercury. Vegetarian alternatives are available. 

You can help stop shark finning and save these endangered species. Many shark species today are threatened with extinction. You can help save them by signing this "no shark fin" pledge and encouraging your friends and family to do the same. Working together, we have the power to make a difference for sharks and the species that depend on them.

Take the Shark Fin Pledge Now! Click here

Sunday, February 26

Respect to our Comrade

This is a woman who died protesting for animal rights. This is a woman who we should all look up to as a role model. This woman is Jill Phipps.

Trying to stop a truck from carrying calves into Coventry Airport, this woman tried to protest. She was crushed beneath the wheels of the truck. The police on duty gave permission to the trucks to continue on even though people were sitting on the road protesting.

More information, click here

Friday, February 24

Thursday, February 23

Stand By Animal

Please help sign this petition

Information is in the link (but contains explicit pictures)

Drinking Milk Kills Babies

Everyone please take a look at the picture below. It says it all.

Wednesday, February 22

Whale Cruelty

Whale bacon, Whale curry, Whale hamburgers?
What is wrong with the japanese? (don't get me wrong, i have nothing against them, but in the matters of whaling, yes i have something against those who whale)

Whales are already endangered! Please encourage people from even going near these products! We do not need to make meat out of these poor animals.

For more information, visit here

Please sign the petition here

Tuesday, February 21

10 countries! Including, Greece, Egypt, Germany, Norway, Australia etc and one of my biggest viewers is from Russia! :D

Animal of the Day - Meerkats

Meerkats aren't cats.

They're squirrel-like and squirrel-szied animals and they are related to the mongoose that live in south Africa

A meerkat's close up vision is terrible. So terrible that they often miss food even when it is placed right in front of them

When they dig tunnels, they form a line and pass dirt from one to the other

When they're cold, they sand on its hind feet and faces the sun because its dark skin on its belly is like a solar panel. Abosbing the sun. It even has built-in sunglasses! They have dark bands around their eyes which reduces the rays.

They also have a windshield wiper! Everytime it b links, a special membrane in its eye wipes away any dirt near the eye.

Going Vegan

Going Vegan Part 2

Process. Remember, there is no need to hurry into doing something immediately. Taking it slowly can have the best effects.

Start it by going vegan on specific days. Such as Vegan Mondays. then weeks. then months.

It's not that hard to find other types of vegan dishes that would satisfy your taste and provide as much utility as non-vegan food! It'll only take a short trip to the bookshop or library to buy or borrow a recipe book!

Don't worry, if you break once in a while, don't worry, it does take a bit to adapt to changes.

Just remember. If you manage to go vegan. That'd be about 100 animals saved each year.

Monday, February 20

Pictures speak louder than words

And this shows how utterly cruel humans can be a very special post

WHAT?! This is appalling. Way too appalling.
It really makes me wonder whether i'm part of mankind. How can people be so inhumane?

Ohio County, Indiana, is home to an extraordinarily cruel event called "Snapperfest"—next scheduled for this Saturday, August 20! Every year at the Campshore Campground, wild-caught snapping turtles endure terrible violence at the hands of participants. The frightened animals are grabbed by their tails and repeatedly slammed to the ground. Their heads are yanked from their shells, and they are then swung around until "contestants" are able to wrap their fists around the animals' necks.


PETA, without success, appealed to the compassion of the Ohio County commissioners. Now it's your turnPlease contact the commissioners and the campground, as well as Rising Sun Council Members, and politely ask that they do the right thing and replace this cruel event. And please spread this alert far and wide.

Please help click here


On Tuesday October 18th a man released over 50 wild animals from their cages on an exotic animal park in Muskingum County Ohio.  The man then apparently shot himself. 
When police arrived they began shooting the animals.
Among the dead are Grizzly Bears, Baboons, 17 lions, Wolves, Leopards, Cheetahs, Mountain Lions, Black Bears and perhaps most devastatingly 18 Bengal Tigers of which there are only an estimated 1400 left in the entire world.
I am literally heartbroken over this.  The images have left me feeling sick to my stomach.  And while I do weep for the loss of these animals I do not blame the police for what they did.
Had they allowed these animals to escape into the surrounding woods throughout nightfall they surely would have taken several lives before being captured.
So while it is perfectly acceptable to be outraged over the death of these beautiful creatures, do not be outraged at the officers who shot them.  They were only doing what had to be done to protect the citizens.  Instead be angry with the political officials who allow lax or entirely nonexistent laws regarding the purchasing and housing of exotic animals.
Wild animals are not meant to be pets.  Zoos and circuses are bad enough but it is even more dangerous and terrible when someone attempts to contain an exotic animal in their backyard.

From here

Sunday, February 19

Going Vegan

Going Vegan Part 1

Although some people may think going Vegan may be very boring as you lose the yummy delicacies of many cuisines. But think again.

Animal Cruelty. For some, it is important to remain a healthy weight and diary food can be very fattening.


Think about the animals harmed. Remember your care for animal welfare.

Most people also know that cattle produce methane, a toxic gas. And that's not good either is it?

If you want to stay healthy, remember, some diseases are related to meat consumption.

Friday, February 17

What's the Least We can do for Animals

Another inspiring post i found on the net

To read it, click here

Wednesday, February 15

Inspirational Speech

I have recently read an inspirational speech by Colleen Patrick- Goudreau

"My hope is that we can navigate through this world with the grace and integrity of those who need our protection. May we have the sense of humor and liveliness of the goats; may we have the maternal instincts and protective nature of the hens and the sassiness of the roosters. May we have the gentleness and strength of the cattle, and the wisdom, humility, and serenity of the donkeys. May we appreciate the need for community as do the sheep and choose our companions as carefully as do the rabbits. May we have the faithfulness and commitment to family of the geese, the adaptability and affability of the ducks. May we have the intelligence, loyalty, and affection of the pigs and the inquisitiveness, sensitivity, and playfulness of the turkeys."
It can be found here

Friday, February 10

Fur Fur Fur

Once again, i cannot emphasize how extremely cruel it is to wear fur. Yet i can't help noticing the large numbers of people wearing big big fur coats, especially since it's winter. It disgusts me. It really does.

I wouldn't try to be extremely biased here. In a way i really do understand why fur clothing are fashion statements. But it really horrifies me how we're at a state in civilization where we have many other types of clothes to keep us warm. We're not cavemen and we do not require the skin of benign dead animals to keep warm and alive. This is the same as leather, although i highly doubt preventing the use of leather would be very effective as most of the designer brands and so forth use leather to produce their products. I, however, avoid leather and all kind of animal cruelty related products like they're the plague. You should too.

Of course, i do see a point why people use leather. We raise and slaughter cow for meat, and as it is impossible to make every single one in this world a vegetarian, making leather from cow makes full use of its existence. But fur coats from tiny cute furry animals such as foxes, minks and rabbits? Really?

Synthetic fur exists for a reason. Man-made cruelty free fur. Just as soft and as luxurious. And the upside? No living thing is killed!

Abusing and murdering innocent animals for the sake of vanity products is absolutely unnecessary and plain horrifying and a disgrace to the human race.

Tuesday, February 7

Concern for Food

An article has recently stated the dangers of a few particular brands from China. Please read the articles, and perhaps stick to better and safer types of brans such as Royal Canin.

If you would like to see the article, click here

Monday, February 6

Greece Bans Animal Circuses

Yay! This is great news!
Now for all the countries and continents to ban them..

To see the article, click here


Some people think that adopting dogs from shelters is unsafe. Why? Because they were abandoned. But the thing is, people don't ponder in depth why the animals were abandoned in the first place. It might not necessarily be the dog's fault. Us humans are biased. We never seem to think fault of ourselves, when sometimes, it really is our fault.

You may see a poor abandoned puppy, thinking that it's probably extremely aggressive or something of the sort while in reality, he is really an innocent dog, abandoned because he wasn't as cute as the owners expected, but perhaps it was really the owners fault for not grooming and taking good care of him.


Saturday, February 4

Hong Kong Isn't That Good Either

Please help sign this petition to stop Hong Kong from shipping real live dolphins!

On February 22, 2012, The China Daily News reported that Hong Kong Airlines is profiting from animal cruelty by striking a HK$850,000 deal to fly live dolphins from Japan to Vietnam. Specifically, five Taiji dolphins were transported via cargo flight in "flying coffins" on January 16, 2012. They spent at least 7 hours in this cruel confinement. Dolphins are neither cargo, nor commerce, nor entertainment. Hong Kong Airlines, stop profiting off of animal cruelty!

Animal of the Day: Horses

1) Horses seldom lie down, especially when people are nearby
2) Horses can't vomit
3) They have close to 360 vision
4) A Horse's brain is the size of a potato
5) Horses can poop up to 15 times a day!
6) Can't breathe out of their mouth
7) Oldest horse was 62 years old (normal horses usually live up to around 40 or less)
8) A horse in Chile actually jumped 8 feet!
9) Horses only sleep 3-4 hours a day
10) Pure white horses are extremely rare, most are light grey/speckled 

Wednesday, February 1


Scientists have apparently came up with a conclusion that dogs can't recognize their owners by their face, which i find utterly ridiculous.

Everyone knows that dogs recognize their owners by their smell, and not how they look like! So i guess in a way, they "look" at their owner with their nose.

see article here