Wednesday, September 15


One of my favorite dogs. Sweet. Lovable. And his name is derived from his fur color. One of the easiest manageable dog i've ever met. 

Factory Farming

Broiler Chickens
The broiler chicken industry produces 6 billion chickens a year for slaughter. This industry is ruled by only 60 companies which have created an oligopoly. Broiler chickens are selectively bred and genetically altered to produce bigger thighs and breasts, the parts in most demand. This breeding creates birds so heavy that their bones cannot support their weight, making it difficult for them to stand. The birds are bred to grow at an astonishing rate, reaching their market weight of 3 1/2 pounds in seven weeks. Broilers are raised in overcrowded broiler houses instead of cages to prevent the occurrence of bruised flesh which would make their meat undesirable. Their beaks and toes are cut off and the broiler houses are usually unlit to prevent fighting among the birds.

Layer Chickens
There are about 250 million hens in U.S. egg factories that supply 95% of the eggs in this country. In these facilities the birds are held in battery cages that are very small with slanted wire floors which cause severe discomfort and foot deformation. Between five and eight birds are crammed in cages only 14 square inches in size. Since the birds have no room to act naturally, they become very aggressive and attack the other birds in their cage; to help combat this behavior, the birds have their beaks seared off at a young age. The chicks are sorted at birth and newborn males are separated and suffocated in trash bags. The layer hens are subjected to constant light to encourage greater egg production. At the end of their laying cycle they are either slaughtered or forced to molt by water and food deprivation, which shocks them into another layer cycle. Many birds become depleted of minerals because of this excessive egg production and either die from fatigue or can no longer produce eggs and are sent to the slaughterhouse.
It is estimated that 90% of all pigs raised for food are confined at some point in their lives. Pigs are highly social, affectionate and intelligent creatures, and suffer both physically and emotionally when they are confined in narrow cages where they cannot even turn around. Many pigs become crazy with boredom and develop vices like mouthing, and nervous ticks; others are driven to fighting and cannibalism because of their frustration. Pigs are born and raised inside buildings that have automated water, feed and waste removal. They don’t see daylight until they are shipped for slaughter. Dust, dirt and toxic gases from the pigs’ waste create an unsanitary environment that encourages the onset of a number of diseases and illnesses, including pneumonia, cholera, dysentery and trichinosis.
Veal Calves
The veal industry is notorious for the cruel confinement of calves. Calves are kept in small crates which prevent movement inhibit muscle growth so their flesh will be tender. They are also fed a diet deficient of iron to keep their flesh pale and appealing to the consumer. Veal calves spend each day confined alone with no companionship and are deprived of light for a large portion of their four-month lives.
Dairy Cows
Dairy cows are bred today for high milk production. For cows who are injected with Bovine Growth Hormone, their already high rate of milk production is doubled. Half of the cows in the national dairy herd are raised in intensive confinement, where they suffer emotionally from being socially deprived and being prohibited from natural behavior. Dairy cows produce milk for about 10 months after giving birth so they are impregnated continuously to keep up the milk flow. Female calves are kept to replenish the herd and male calves are usually sent to veal crates where they live a miserable existence until their slaughter. When cows become unable to produce adequate amounts of milk they are sent to slaughter so money can be made from their flesh. The cows are kept in a holding facility where they are fed, watered and have their waste removed mechanically and are allowed out only twice a day to be milked by machines.
Chemicals and Factory Farms
Animals raised in confinement create an ideal setting for bacteria and disease to spread rapidly. Antibiotics were developed around the time of World War II and were soon adapted into the farming system. In the U.S., almost 50% of all antibiotics are administered to farm animals. These drugs form a toxic residue in animal tissue. It is much of this same tissue that is sold to consumers as food products. Each year, we see an increase in the number of salmonella poisoning cases from contaminated eggs, meat and milk. These strains of salmonella are difficult to treat because they are antibiotic resistant. Antibiotics are not the only chemicals administered to factory farm animals; many animals are fed growth-promoting hormones, appetite stimulants and pesticides, fertilizers, herbicides and aflatoxins that collect in the animals’ tissues and milk.

Source: “Facts: Factory Farming.” In Defense of Animals. IDA. Web.  <>.

Sunday, September 12

Messed Up Minds

This billboard is really disgusting. So you're only testing on rats and not humans? "who would you rather see live?" why are you advertising your horrible heinous crimes? are you proud that you are testing on animals? Who are you to assume that the lives of rats are more important than humans? Are you saying tiny innocent animals don't deserve to have a life?

If something has to be tested. Then it shouldn't be suited for humans anyway. 

Thursday, September 9

Creature Feature

Hippos in West Africa have come up with a cool way to travel; surfing.

Every evening the hippos of Loango National Park in Gabon come out of the jungle and ride the breakers down the beach to the grasslands for dinner. AFter eating around 150 pounds of food, they go back to their home ground for a dozing off

Hippos weigh up to 6000 pounds, and by swimming, it takes the pressure of their feet

Friday, September 3

Ideal Butcher Shop

How would you feel if it was the other way round and animals bought human meat?

Wednesday, August 18

Stand On Your Feet and Speak Out


We can make a difference. McDonalds, Burger Kings, all these fast food chains. The roots of animal cruelty.

When i suggest going to McDonalds, putting signs outside on their animal abuse or going to their factory farms to help the animals, you might thing it might be going too far. But no. It's not. Economic Damage for their inhumane ways of treating animals. Consequences? Who cares. You're saving the lives of many animals.

We're law abiding people. It may be scary from doing such actions. No please do NOT break the law. But it would make a difference if you tried what you can try.

Someone who sacrifices for such passionate movements is a hero. You have my respect and the respect of many activists.

Our goal? Economic destruction to anyone and everyone who stands in our way.

Our determination will help us. we will be a hurricane. destroying those who try to get in our way.

Animals deserve this.

We will speak out for them.

Friday, August 13

Animal Bourne Bombs

In countries, mostly in the Middle East, animal-borne bombs are common. This is the use of animals to carry bombs into streets or other areas; the bombs are strapped and tied onto the animal (e.g. horse or donkey) and then these bombs explode when the animal is near a crowd

i think this is inhumane. sacrificing animals to kill humans? Firstly, they shouldn't be killing humans in the first place. 

Wednesday, April 28


I'll be taking a break for exam leave and will probably be quite busy in the summer so don't expect to see me often!

Friday, April 23


We judge a man by his treatment of animals



I took a few pictures of the dogs at my local dog rescue today, and there was a SUPER CUTE dog today at the rescue (she's new) and the owner of HKDR, Sally, even let me name her! I named her Lolly! She is the most adorable dog i've ever met!

I took some pictures (some are taken by my friends) and i'll put some up! THEY ARE ALL SO CUTE! WHY WOULD YOU ABANDON THEM?

Wednesday, April 21


Speciesism. Failure in attitude or practice, to accord any nonhuman being equal consideration and respect - Joan Dunayer

Friday, April 16

Do animals have less fear because they cannot speak?

Tuesday, April 13

We Are Ultimately The Same

What is the difference? There is none.
If we kill an animal, that's fine
If we kill a human, that's a crime

What is the difference? Can someone tell me? Because i don't see any difference. Some may lay eggs, but it's still reproducing isn't it.

We all have lives
We can all feel
We all have family and are protective of them
We have kids
We have enemies
We have hearts
We have brains
We can see
We can think
We have bodies

So tell me, what's the difference?

Sunday, April 11


Only trust the humans who treat you as their equal.

Thursday, April 8

Sunday, April 4

Help with your dog

I found a fantastic website if you need help with your dogs.

Just click here:

Tuesday, March 30

Choke Chains

Training. There are plenty of ways, and choke chains are definitely not the way! I've never seen a choke chain in a pet shop, perhaps because owners going into business loving what they do and wouldn't sell products that would harm animals.

From my perspective, i think owners who use choke chains should have some kind of choke chain, such as an electrical collar around their necks. Give them a dose of their own medicine. 

Monday, March 29

Choke Chains

DOesn't the name already indicates what the function is? It chokes the dog and you don't care? If your dog really is too strong for you to handle, either get a body harness or someone else to help you control the dog!

Damaging a dog's throat is not good for them!

Friday, March 26


Today, i was at Hong Kong Dog Rescue again. Yup. Lance got adopted! I'm so happy!
The woman i talked to was Lance's new owner. She seemed really nice. I'm really glad he has a good home now, but i would miss him dreadfully!

Wednesday, March 24


Today, i met a dog named Bucket. He was really shy, but really sweet. I hope he gets adopted soon.

Photo credit to myself

He looks so sad...someone please adopt him! I'm sure he'll be adopted quite quickly though

Tuesday, March 23

"Some old school, force-based trainers insist that you have to overpower the dog with force, using things like scruff shakes (where the handler grabs the sides of the dog's neck and shakes him), and alpha rolls (where the handler flips the dog onto his back and holds him there until he stops resisting) or, if necessary, by hanging the dog with a choke collar until he submits or collapses in unconsciousness. Most owners, thankfully, are unwilling or unable to inflict this kind of abuse on their dogs. These abused dogs frequently end up biting or becoming enough of a threat that they are surrendered to animal shelters, where they are usually euthanised as dangerous and incorrigible. Sadly, if these dogs had been trained with non-confrontational methods, they might have been fine."

Pat Miller - The Power of Positive Dog Training

Sunday, March 21


Does he look dangerous to you? He's been mistreated, and is therefore quite aggressive. I looked at him, but when i tried to pat him, he tried to bite me. So i took a picture of him. I'm sure he'll grow to be more gentle and understand that not everyone is as inhumane as those who abandoned such a beautiful dog

Monday, March 15


No. Not the cookie. But he has the most beautiful fur i've seen. And yet i don't understand why he has been at HKDR for so long. He's the best walker and listens so well!


Thursday, March 11


Oh god. Where do i even begin. My friendship with Casey developed quite rapidly and i love him as much as he loves me! So excuse me for taking so many photos of him because he is just beautiful.

Some taken by me, others by my friends. Enjoy.

Friday, February 26


Oh where do i start..i've met this dog for about 2 months already. He is SO charming, very active, doesn't get along well with most people, but gets along with me. I bring him treats. He is the sweetest dog i know! I really want to adopt him but unfortunately my parents disagreed with me.

Sunday, February 14

Tuesday, February 9

True Love

Have yo always wanted a perfect other half who loves you more than he/she loves him/herself?

Well guess what,

A Dog is the only living creature who will love you more than he/she loves him/herself.

Treasure your pets. 

Saturday, February 6


Excuse me.

But animals have genders too. Please do not refer to my dog as "the thing" or "it". He is MALE and therefore you will refer to him by his name and his gender.


Wednesday, February 3

800 cats and dogs are euthanized every hour because there aren't enough homes

Horrifying isn't it. 

Tuesday, February 2

Saturday, January 30

Pits of Despair

Cows.  Dairy cows are impregnated in cages called rape-racks or also more commonly known as “pits of despair”. This method is used to maximize the production of dairy cows. When the calves are born they are separated from their mothers and forced to live in small cages. This causes both psychological and physical damage to the calf. As the cows are reared to maturity they are milked to the extreme until their udders no longer contain any more milk. Furthermore to control them they are frequently jabbed with electric prods.


Thursday, January 21

Tuesday, January 19

11 Facts about Animal Cruelty

Please share this!

  1. In many circuses, wild and exotic animals are trained through the use of intimidation and physical abuse. Former circus employees have reported seeing animals beaten, whipped, poked with sharp objects and even burned to force them to learn their routines!
  2. Elephants who perform in circuses are often kept in chains for as long as 23 hours a day from the time they are babies.
  3. More than 25 million vertebrate animals are used in testing in the United States each year. When invertebrate animals are thrown into the mix, the estimated number rises to as high as 100 million.
  4. By 2022, 22% of all species will be extinct if no action is taken.
  5. If you live in Pennsylvania, California, Florida, Rhode Island, Illinois, Virginia, Oregon, New York, New Jersey and Vermont you have the legal right to refuse to participate in dissection in class! In Louisiana, there is a State resolution and in Massachusetts, Maine, Maryland and New Mexico, there are Departments of Education resolutions in place that allow you to refuse to dissect, although it hasn’t yet become a law.
  6. Dog fighting and cock-fighting are illegal in all 50 states.
  7. It is estimated that on average it takes 1,000 dogs to maintain a mid-sized racetrack operation. New greyhounds are continually entering the system to replace greyhounds that grade-off due to injury, age or poor performance. There are currently over 30 tracks operating in the United States.
  8. Tens of thousands of wild and domesticated horses from the United States are cruelly slaughtered every year to be used for horse meat in Europe and Asia. Since the last horse slaughter plants in the U.S. were closed in 2007, thousands of horses have been shipped to Canada and Mexico for slaughter.
  9. Many studies have found a link between cruelty to animals and other forms of interpersonal violence.
  10. Neglect and abandonment are the most common forms of companion animal abuse in the United States.
  11. A fur coat is pretty cool—for an animal to wear. Eighteen red foxes are killed to make one fox-fur coat, 55 minks to make a mink coat.

Found on this website

Saturday, January 16

Purebreed or Not

What is the difference? Essentially, they're still dogs, with cute puppy eyes and a personality to die for. What's the point of looking down on Mongrels? Basically, all my favorite dogs at the shelter are Mongrels, and purebred, so what? There are hundreds, thousands, millions of other dogs waiting in shelters, desiring a home. They're stuck in cages, hoping for a home or left on the streets, trying to find food to survive. 

Thursday, January 14

Eggs or meat

A chicken that is born to lay eggs forever and a chicken born to be killed for chicken nuggets. Which one is worse?

All these chickens live crammed into cages that are tiny and dirty. WIthout the space to move, these chickens have leg problems; brittleness. Some are even starved for days to produce more eggs, and this starvation of up to 14 days cause them to loose their body fat. So you have super skinny anorexic like chickens laying eggs for the consumption of us humans. To add on to the pain, the animals are treated badly by the workers and these creatures are defenseless against us violent human.

Tuesday, January 12


Everytime i see abuse pictures. I just want to go to the animal, rescue it, give it a hug and tell it that everything will be okay and from now on it will be treated well.

And then i go find my dog and give him a big hug. 

Wednesday, January 6

From Dr. Dolittle, 1967 film

I do not understand the human race. 

It has so little love for creatures with a different face. 
Treating animals like people is no madness or disgrace. 
I do not understand the human race. 

I wonder — 
Why do we treat animals like animals? 
Animals treat us so very well. 
The devoted ways they serve us 
And protect us when we’re nervous, 
Oh, they really don’t deserve us, 
All we give them is hell! 

Tell me how else man repays them — 
Do we ever think to praise them? 
No we don’t, and this dismays them You can tell. 

We’re riddled with ingratitude, 
We give no love or latitude, 
In every way our attitude 
Is, well, like animals. 

No, no — that’s not what I mean. 

I mean — 
Why do we treat animals like animals? 
How can people be so inhumane? 
Cows and chickens work to feed us, 
Dogs and horses show they need us, 
And though cats don’t always heed us 
Their affection is plain. 

What do we do? We neglect them, 
We do nothing to protect them, 
We reject them, don’t expect them 
To complain. 
We ignore them or we beat them, 
When we’re hungry then we eat them, 
It’s appalling how we treat them, 
It’s insane! 
Like animals! 

We humiliate and murder and confine them. 
We create their wretched status, 
Then we use it to malign them. 

I mean, 
Why should we say, “treated like a dog,” 
Why should we say, “working like a horse,” 
Why should we say, “eating like a hog,” 
When what we mean is “eating like a man”? 
Don’t we? Of course! 

A man of ill repute is called a “weasel” or a “rat,” 
A woman you dislike becomes a “vixen” or a “cat,” 
A family that is blessed 
With healthy reproductive habits 
Occasions the remark, 
“Well you know them, they “breed like rabbits”! 

“He’s as stubborn as a mule!” 
“He’s as stupid as an ox!” 
“He’s as slimy as a snake!” 
“He’s as crafty as a fox!” 

Remarks like that really get my goat! 

Why don’t we say, “noble as a frog”? 
Or, why can’t we say, “wealthy as a hen”? 
True, we say, “devoted as a dog,” 
But what we should say is: 
“Chic as a giraffe,” 
“Pretty as a pig,” eh? — 
That’ll be the big day, 
Won’t it? But when? 
But when? 
But when?

When will we stop treating them like animals? 
Is the human race entirely mad? 
Women see a baby goatskin 
Or a lambskin or a stoatskin 
And to them it’s just a coatskin — 
Oh, it’s terribly sad! 

When you dress in suede or leather, 
Or some fancy fur or feather, 
Do you stop and wonder whether, 
For a fad, 
You have killed some beast or other, 
And you’re wearing someone’s brother, 
Or perhaps it’s someone’s mother 
In which you’re clad? 

Like animals! Like animals! 
Like animals. 

Well, it’s true, we do not live in a zoo. 
But man is an animal too. 
So why can’t you, 
Like me, 
Like animals? 
. . . animals. 

Sunday, January 3


I've been surfing the web and the people who seem to enjoy the pain of animals makes me so sick.


No, i don't mean things, but hanging dogs, beating cats out of fun? WHY do they do this? These pictures of people taking pictures with their thumbs up but the animals in the back ground. Dead. It reduced me to tears.

You people are sick. You're not powerful. Killing creatures to feel powerful. No. You're a disgrace to our race. You should not be alive. I will never care for you nor your opinion and i hope no one ever respects you. Someone who kills animals for happiness should not be treated any different from serial killers.