Tuesday, March 30

Choke Chains

Training. There are plenty of ways, and choke chains are definitely not the way! I've never seen a choke chain in a pet shop, perhaps because owners going into business loving what they do and wouldn't sell products that would harm animals.

From my perspective, i think owners who use choke chains should have some kind of choke chain, such as an electrical collar around their necks. Give them a dose of their own medicine. 

Monday, March 29

Choke Chains

DOesn't the name already indicates what the function is? It chokes the dog and you don't care? If your dog really is too strong for you to handle, either get a body harness or someone else to help you control the dog!

Damaging a dog's throat is not good for them!

Friday, March 26


Today, i was at Hong Kong Dog Rescue again. Yup. Lance got adopted! I'm so happy!
The woman i talked to was Lance's new owner. She seemed really nice. I'm really glad he has a good home now, but i would miss him dreadfully!

Wednesday, March 24


Today, i met a dog named Bucket. He was really shy, but really sweet. I hope he gets adopted soon.

Photo credit to myself

He looks so sad...someone please adopt him! I'm sure he'll be adopted quite quickly though

Tuesday, March 23

"Some old school, force-based trainers insist that you have to overpower the dog with force, using things like scruff shakes (where the handler grabs the sides of the dog's neck and shakes him), and alpha rolls (where the handler flips the dog onto his back and holds him there until he stops resisting) or, if necessary, by hanging the dog with a choke collar until he submits or collapses in unconsciousness. Most owners, thankfully, are unwilling or unable to inflict this kind of abuse on their dogs. These abused dogs frequently end up biting or becoming enough of a threat that they are surrendered to animal shelters, where they are usually euthanised as dangerous and incorrigible. Sadly, if these dogs had been trained with non-confrontational methods, they might have been fine."

Pat Miller - The Power of Positive Dog Training

Sunday, March 21


Does he look dangerous to you? He's been mistreated, and is therefore quite aggressive. I looked at him, but when i tried to pat him, he tried to bite me. So i took a picture of him. I'm sure he'll grow to be more gentle and understand that not everyone is as inhumane as those who abandoned such a beautiful dog

Monday, March 15


No. Not the cookie. But he has the most beautiful fur i've seen. And yet i don't understand why he has been at HKDR for so long. He's the best walker and listens so well!


Thursday, March 11


Oh god. Where do i even begin. My friendship with Casey developed quite rapidly and i love him as much as he loves me! So excuse me for taking so many photos of him because he is just beautiful.

Some taken by me, others by my friends. Enjoy.