Wednesday, September 19

Canine STress Dic

I found a website on tips on looking out for stress in canines, i copied and pasted the information from here:

AnorexiaStress causes the appetite to shut down. A dog who won’t eat moderate to high-value treats may just be distracted or simply not hungry, but refusal to eat is a common indicator of stress.
Appeasement/Deference SignalsAppeasement and deference aren’t always an indicator of stress. They are important everyday communication tools for keeping peace in social hierarchies, and are often presented in calm, stress-free interactions. They are offered in a social interaction to promote the tranquility of the group and the safety of the group’s members. When offered in conjunction with other behaviors, they can be an indicator of stress as well. Appeasement and deference signals include:
Slow movement: appeasing/deferent dog appears to be moving in slow-motion
Lip-licking: appeasing/deferent dog licks at the mouth of the higher ranking member of the social group
Sitting/lying down/exposing underside:appeasing/deferent dog lowers body posture, exposing vulnerable parts
Turning head away, averting eyes:appeasing/deferent dog avoids eye contact, exposes neck
AvoidanceDog turns away; shuts down; evades handler’s touch and treats.
Brow RidgesFurrows or muscle ridges in the dog’s forehead and around the eyes.
Difficulty LearningDogs are unable to learn well or easily when under significant stress.
Digestive DisturbancesVomiting and diarrhea can be a sign of illness – or of stress; the digestive system reacts strongly to stress. Carsickness is often a stress reaction.
Displacement BehaviorsThese are behaviors performed in an effort to resolve an internal stress conflict for the dog. They may be observed in a dog who is stressed and in isolation – for example a dog left alone in an exam room in a veterinary hospital – differentiating them from behaviors related to relationship.
Blinking: Eyes blink at a faster-than normal rate
Nose-Licking: Dog’s tongue flicks out once or multiple times
Chattering teeth
Shaking off (as if wet, but dog is dry)
DroolingMay be an indication of stress – or response to the presence of food, an indication of a mouth injury, or digestive distress.
Excessive Grooming
Dog may lick or chew paws, legs, flank, tail, and genital areas, even to the point of self-mutilation.
HyperactivityFrantic behavior, pacing, sometimes misinterpreted as ignoring, “fooling around,” or “blowing off” owner.
Immune System DisordersLong-term stress weakens the immune system. Immune related problems can improve when overall levels of stress are reduced.
Lack of Attention/FocusThe brain has difficulty processing information when stressed.
Leaning/ClingingThe stressed dog seeks contact with human as reassurance.
Lowered Body Posture“Slinking,” acting “guilty,” or “sneaky” (all misinterpretations of dog body language) can be indicators of stress.
MouthingWillingness to use mouth on human skin – can be puppy exploration or adult poor manners, but can also be an expression of stress, ranging from gentle nibbling (flea biting) to hard taking of treats, to painfully hard mouthing, snapping, or biting.
Obsessive-Compulsive DisordersThese include compulsive imaginary fly-snapping behavior, light- and shadow-chasing, tail-chasing, pica (eating nonfood objects), flank-sucking, self-mutilation, and more. While OCDs probably have a strong genetic component, the behavior itself is usually triggered by stress.
PantingRapid shallow or heavy breathing is normal if the dog is warm or has been exercising, otherwise can be stress-related. Stress may be external (environment) or internal (pain, other medical issues).
StretchingTo relax stress-related tension in muscles. May also occur as a non-stress behavior after sleeping or staying in one place for extended period.
Stiff MovementTension can cause a noticeable stiffness in leg, body, and tail movements.
Sweaty PawsDamp footprints can be seen on floors, exam tables, rubber mats.
TremblingMay be due to stress – or cold.
WhiningHigh-pitched vocalization, irritating to most humans; an indication of stress. While some may interpret it as excitement, a dog who is excited to the point of whining is also stressed.
YawningYour dog may yawn because he’s tired – or as an appeasement signal or displacement behavior.

Monday, September 17


Horses don't deserve to be caught in the polluted traffics.

 IT hurts me to see horses pulling carriages on the street, clip-clopping while dragging a heavy carriage carrying a well fed family of 4.

Stick to public buses, trains and cars. Horses aren't means of transportation anymore, it's the 21st century, we have improved transportation methods, we don't need horses to carry us. 

Thursday, September 13


There are around 7 billion people on earth. 7 billion who eat- not everyone gets food.

Here's the catch - Over 150 billion animals are slaughtered each year.

There are people who don't eat eat; babies who live on milk, vegans and vegetarians

It's scary how the slaughter rate of animals is over 21 times of the number of people on east.

Friday, September 7

Dog Whispers

I saw this TV show on television; Dog Whispers

You guys should check it out!

It's hosted by this professional who helps out people with misbehaving dogs.

I watch it everyday now! It's very interesting and you do learn a lot from experience.

No matter how problematic a dog can be, they're still living things so treasure them and don't abandon them because they're more sensitive to the environment!

Tuesday, September 4

The Question is not can they reason, nor can they talk? But, can they suffer?
- Jeremy Bentham 

Cathay Pacific bans shipments of shark related products

Months of campaigning Cathay Pacific regarding it's air freight shipments of shark fins and shark products have paid off. Initiated by Alex Hofford / Ran Elfassy and backed by many of the worlds shark groups and NGO's, Cathay Pacific have taken the responsible decision to stop all shipments of un-sustainable shark fins and products. Below is their press statement. A great day for the sharks, a great day for Cathay Pacific who will gain a massive respect from all ocean lovers that will hopefully equate to more business for them. Other airlines please take note....

CX (Cathay Pacific) to ban shipments of unsustainable sharks and shark-related products

News out 04 Sep 2012
As part of the Sustainable Development Strategy, Cathay Pacific has a policy on sustainable seafood which prohibits the consumption of shark and shark fin at company events and from being served inflight.

Today (4 September) the airline has taken the decision to stop shipments of unsustainably sourced sharks and shark-related products. This means that, effective immediately, CX will not enter into any new contracts in this regard, unless it can be demonstrated that such products are derived from sustainable sources and can be independently verified through initiatives such as the Marine Stewardship Council (MSC).

The airline has decided to do this on the basis that there is very compelling scientific evidence to support that this is the right thing to do, given CX’s strong commitment to sustainability.

Specifically, due to the vulnerable nature of sharks, their rapidly declining population and the impacts of overfishing for their parts and products, the carriage of these is inconsistent with the airline’s mission of being a socially and environmentally responsible company.

Cathay Pacific Cargo and the Environmental Affairs team have been working very hard on this issue and have established an advisory group that includes respected NGOs to review, from a scientific perspective, the current policy.

The new policy will be implemented through notifications to shippers, new procedures and training for CX staff. The airline estimates it will take approximately three months to make the transition, although work will be done as quickly as possible.