Sunday, January 27

Teenage Dogs

I'm sure this isn't the first time i've spoken about this but there has been a recent increase in the number of dogs in Hong Kong Dog Rescue - a peak in the number of teenage dogs that have been abandoned.

Just like humans, dogs go through a 'puberty' process where we change from kids to adults. And just like humans our behaviour change and what most owners don't understand is this, which is the reason they abandon their dogs for 'naughty' behaviour when their obedient little dog becomes a little bit rebelious. And again, just like humans, once this period of puberty is over they become a calm mature adult so why not stick with your dog through a short period of time and be understanding instead of leaving them on the streets?

Wednesday, January 16


As you all probably know, Lufthansa is quite a famous German airline company, and i recently read in German Newspaper (this isn't recent news though) that they used to transport animals for the Animal Testing industry and it's one of the very few airlines that do so.

One thing that i found particularly good was how people could influence a firm that quickly. PETA, as you all know, the famous animal rights organization, spread the word about their unkindly actions and people started posting pictures and spreading the word about how Lufthansa was a heartless company that didn't have moral. Shortly Lufthansa gave in and announced that they wouldn't transport animals for the animal testing industry anymore.

I mostly summarized it above but if you want to read the article it's here but it's in german though! 

Thursday, January 10


I'm sure none of you would think that it is unusual for me to stalk the Hong Kong Dog Rescue Website almost everyday.

But one thing that really pains me - to see the number of pages jump from 18 pages to 35 pages or so.

Why. Why must you abadon your dogs. If i had all the resources in the world, one of the things i'd do would defeinitely be getting these dogs into a good home. 

Saturday, January 5

Animal Testing

Sorry i haven't been posting a lot - busy with applications and exams.

So i recently just did a presentation about Animal Testing and i came across a quite interesting thing. I didn't know that it existed because it was invented before i was even born but as i was doing my research i came across it.

It's a sleeping pill called Thalidomide and i used it to back up my point about how animal testing really isn't an effective method to discover new medicines. This sleeping pill was introduced in around 1960s and it was claimed to help pregnant women with morning sickness problems.

The important thing is, they emphasised on how safe it is for even pregnant women because they tested this sleeping pill on a specific type of ape, which has one of the most similar body functions etc. to humans.

And the result? Thousands of babies born with missing organs and birth defects.

Which is why animal testing is so senseless because this is an excellent example of how we cannot compare the body functions of animals and humans.


Sidenote: Will get to replying all the messages soon!