Wednesday, May 6


Keeping rodents such as gerbils, hamsters, guinea pigs may be tough although they are small. Here's some tips off the top of my head! Use it as a checklist if you want.

- A private space. Everyone wants their privacy, just like hamsters do. So give them some private space to rest in and have some privacy of their own. You can buy it or create one of your own. I've seen a few nice houses for hamsters, pumpkin shaped etc. Or you can simpy make one out of cardboard and cutting out holes as small windows and doors.

- A clean comfortable cage with a lot of shavings or newspaper sheets. Try to avoid wood because it's extremely difficult to clean and hamsters do defecate a lot!

- Toys. Boredom kills. Give them running wheels, connected toilet rolls as a tunnel or ropes and ladders to climb on.

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