Saturday, June 30

A Large Gap

Animals for meat are treated horribly, and 'horrible' is already an understatement.

There is a difference though. A difference between humans eating animals and animals eating animals. An owl catching a rat for lunch and humans eating chicken for lunch. There is a difference. Humans feel despair, sympathy or guilty about eating animals while owls would not blink an eye.

Human mass produce animals in cruel cruel conditions, and i think that eating animals would be less morally incorrect if animals were brought up in better and safer living conditions. We are inelligent human beings, with a conscience. We should use this conscience to transform the world into a better place for animals.

I myself, am not a vegan myself, I believe that animals being killed for meat should be treated and executed in a more morally correct way.

Tuesday, June 26


Seeing pictures of teenagers torturing animals for fun, companies testing animals for beauty products, celebrities flaunting around with their fur coats really really makes me sick.

Sunday, June 24

Factory Farming

Open your eyes to cruelty. Stop being ignorant. Baby animals; pigs, chickens, cows. They all feel pain during farming procedures.

I'm sure that if you were there, watching workers prepare their death blow, you would be able to see the agony and pain etched in their eyes, and unless you don't have a conscience, you would tear up, wishing for a escape route for them.

Stop factory farming!

Friday, June 22


Vegan. That's great. For humans, yes. But no NOT for dogs!!

Dogs are carnivores. By forcing them to eat vegan, you're treating them cruelly! Please please please treat your pets right. Dogs would prefer meat over anything vegan. Definitely. Please treat your pets right. 

Wednesday, June 20

For Long Eyelashes?

Appearance for deaths? Really?

Singers and Animals

One of the members of my favorite band Maroon 5, Mickey Madden once said

"When you dig a little below the surface what you find out is really disturbing and it makes veganism seem like the only option really. I can't even conceive of going back to eating animals at all"

Monday, June 18

Animal of the Day: Elephant

1) Lifespan of around 70 years in their natural homes
2) Have around 6 sets of teeth during their whole lives
3) Good swimmers and use their trunks as snorkels
4) Despite their large ears, they have bad hearing
5) Fully grown elephant usually ranges from 10-13 feet
6) Elephants normally walk at 4mph
7) Some elephants consume up to 494 pounds of food per day!
8) Elephants spend up to 16 hours a day eating

9) Elephants also have poor eyesight 

Saturday, June 9

Guinea Pigs, Hamsters, Rats and Mice

Also known as Rodents.

Now, i don't know much about these animals, but i've had friends who had rodents as pets. I've also experienced a somewhat terrifying situation back in primary school. It was Pet Day and we all brought our pets to school. One of my friends brought her hamsters. Her pregnant hamster and the father. And yes, during the break we had, the pregnant mother gave birth! And the father tried to eat the hamsters. That was extremely scary and somewhat disturbing to the young and innocent me. I saw a mini-sausage-like object inside the father's mouth, and yes, two tiny legs were dangling out. It was the most disturbing experience in my life.

Lesson? Never keep hamster parents with their babies because they eat them. Yuck. 

Wednesday, June 6

Conflicts Involving Animals

Are you updated with global issues?

It seems that issues and conflicts in Africa between tribes and nations are causing a problem with animals, namely gorillas. To show their 'power', tribes would kill gorillas and hang them on poles as signs to show their strength. Apparently there was some kind of illegal act, not sure when, i read this somewhere, that a tribe killed several gorillas and hung them on poles in a gorilla conservation area, which happens to be, obviously, illegal. And so there's now an estimated number of 700 gorillas left in the wild.

Conflicts. Fine. That's your problem, but please don't drag in gorillas or anything with a life in to your problems. 

Tuesday, June 5


Love the summer? If you're not careful, lives will be lost.

Friday, June 1


Birds are free creatures that like to fly around in the sky, that's why i don't really approve of people who keep birds at home, in cages.

However, if you REALLY have a love for birds, like parrots, then please at the very least provide good care for them. This includes:

- Another bird. Yes. Just like how many only childs would die to have another sibling as a companion. birds want friends!
- Room to fly and stretch their wing.
- Windows! (make sure they don't fly BAM into them though!
- Perches for them to wrap their feet around
- A seed dish; make sure it's always full! Provide fresh fruits and also water!
- Something to sharpen their beaks
- Bathing water. Some loves mist sprays!
- Toys and stroke them!