Friday, December 14


I'm usual not really a judgmental person but i just remembered an article that i read a while ago - In Guangzhou, quite a populous city in South China, it was declared that koalas are now allowed to be eaten.

I am so shocked and outraged that i don't know what to say. Sure this is understandable in some regions of China where people are perhaps not so well off so that they need to eat whatever they could to survive but Guangzhou is quite a developed city and to think that now people could eat such innocent creatures..its just outrageous. 

Sunday, December 2


I just read a lovely story, it was really touching. Another beautiful story showing understanding and feelings between and dogs and humans.

Read the article here

If evidence were ever needed of the special relationship between man and dog, then you need look no further than teenager Murray Whooley and his goldendoodle Clive.
Not only are the pair best friends, but Clive, a cross between a golden retriever and a poodle, has had nothing short of a miraculous effect on Murray’s life and that of his family.
Diagnosed with autism at the age of two, Murray, like many people with the disability, had difficulty communicating and interacting with others, and the ‘outside world’ was a particularly frightening place for him. 
Even a simple errand to the supermarket would result in screaming, tantrums and sometimes vomiting, if he was really upset.
But Clive has transformed his world. The curly-haired canine is adored by everyone he sees and is such an integral member of the family, he’s included in all the family snaps.
In fact, it’s not just his family who want their picture taken with Clive, who lives in Dublin with the Whooley family, he’s been snapped with popstar Ronan Keating, ex-footballer Roy Keane, Boyzone’s Keith Duffy and Irish Prime Minister Enda Kenny. 
'He loves the camera and if I say 'Clive look at me', he sits up straight and looks directly at the lens,' said Murray’s mother Fiona, 45.
'He’s ridiculous that way – he’s not your average dog at all.
Clive and Murray were first introduced after his mum Fiona saw an article in a newspaper about autism assistance dogs, part of a pilot scheme being run by Irish Guide Dogs for the Blind.

(read more by clicking on the link i provided!) 

Wednesday, November 28

Korea - How dogs are treating

I found a dreadful article here 

I've always thought Korea was a lovely country..until i read this. 

Sunday, November 25

Animal Testing

So i had a message from another anonymous another day:

Not all animal experimenting are bad are you crazy. Don't talk like you know all the facts of animal testing

I don't know all the facts of animal testing. But then again, it has to depend on what you mean by "bad". If you mean not animal experimenting is unjustified, then yes, i do agree with that because i certainly agree that without animal testing the medical research would not be as updated as it is and animal testing has also played an important role in cancer research.

However, if you mean that not all animal experimenting is cruel. Then i would have to counter that. Animal Testing is justified by the medical industry, with their reports and multiple claims of how animal testing has helped the medical industry advance. This is only thinking in economic terms. As a human it's perfectly normal to think of money and health. However, there are animal activists who think of ethical and moral values. Animal Testing is in no way justified morally.

If animal testing isn't cruel, then why do we test on animals and not on humans? Surely, if it's just a few injections with no side effects nor mistreatment, then testing on humans wouldn't be so strongly rejected? 

Tuesday, November 20

Cosmetic Industry

One of the most unreasonable and unethical type of Animal testing is testing in the cosmetic industry.

It does not make any sense to me.

There are already tons and tons of cosmetic brands in the world ranging from cheaper ones to designer ones that sell for absolutely ludicrous prices.

Why would you test cosmetic products on animals?! Human skins already react differently to different products. We are all allergic to different things. So if human skin already vary greatly with each other, it makes totally no sense to use the results of animals to apply to human skins.

Friday, November 16

We reject Animal Testing because of Ethical Reasons

Animals feel. They feel pain. joy. fear.

Locking them up in a dark, cramped cage for many days, weeks or even months at a time and jabbing needles into them regularly does not only put on stress on their bodies, also on their emotions. Not only will this change the results of whatever one is conducting animal testing for, it would also mean painful torture for an innocent animal.

Most of the animals in Germany are in-bred animals, bred specifically for the use of animal testing. Ouch. To open your eyes to a new world and the first thing you see is a pair of gloved hands separating you from your mother and then a few moments later, a few needles jabbing into you and you feel dizzy. Not a life anyone would want. The emotional and physical trauma cannot be put into words.

Do people honestly feel that it's alright for animals to be treated like this? 

Tuesday, November 13

Animal Testing

Of course, i cannot deny that without animal testing, we would not have many cures that we would have today. But then again, we do have advanced technology that can produce similar results, although it is probably more costly (in terms of economic terms), but the number of lives lost surely cannot be compared to expense.

I have received a few messages from a various of people, one who sent me this:

I hope you realize how many cures we've discovered from testing on animals. It has saved millions of people from dying. I don't support anyone killing an animal for fun, but these animals who were tested on were brought here for one purpose. Sorry, but that's the truth. And I think a humans life is more important than a rat.

In reply to the person who sent this to me anonymously:

I do know that many cures such as ones for diabetes were corrected and adjusted by animal testing. However, i'm not sure about the saving "millions of people". Animals and humans have completely different bodies, and every human body reacts differently to different types of medicine, surely if human bodies, who are already very similar to each other, are already experiencing such drastic differences, the results from testing on animals would surely be even more variable. 

Sunday, November 4

Cathay Pacific bans shipments of shark related products

Months of campaigning Cathay Pacific regarding it's air freight shipments of shark fins and shark products have paid off. Initiated by Alex Hofford / Ran Elfassy and backed by many of the worlds shark groups and NGO's, Cathay Pacific have taken the responsible decision to stop all shipments of un-sustainable shark fins and products. Below is their press statement. A great day for the sharks, a great day for Cathay Pacific who will gain a massive respect from all ocean lovers that will hopefully equate to more business for them. Other airlines please take note....

CX (Cathay Pacific) to ban shipments of unsustainable sharks and shark-related products

News out 04 Sep 2012
As part of the Sustainable Development Strategy, Cathay Pacific has a policy on sustainable seafood which prohibits the consumption of shark and shark fin at company events and from being served inflight.

Today (4 September) the airline has taken the decision to stop shipments of unsustainably sourced sharks and shark-related products. This means that, effective immediately, CX will not enter into any new contracts in this regard, unless it can be demonstrated that such products are derived from sustainable sources and can be independently verified through initiatives such as the Marine Stewardship Council (MSC).

The airline has decided to do this on the basis that there is very compelling scientific evidence to support that this is the right thing to do, given CX’s strong commitment to sustainability.

Specifically, due to the vulnerable nature of sharks, their rapidly declining population and the impacts of overfishing for their parts and products, the carriage of these is inconsistent with the airline’s mission of being a socially and environmentally responsible company.

Cathay Pacific Cargo and the Environmental Affairs team have been working very hard on this issue and have established an advisory group that includes respected NGOs to review, from a scientific perspective, the current policy.

The new policy will be implemented through notifications to shippers, new procedures and training for CX staff. The airline estimates it will take approximately three months to make the transition, although work will be done as quickly as possible.

Saturday, November 3

Please help sign this petition!

Sign here

To the Sponsors of PyeongChang 2018 Winter Olympics in South Korea:
Please withdraw your sponsorship of PyeongChang 2018 Winter Olympics in South Korea!
Bishop Desmond Tutu said, “If you are neutral in situations of injustice, you have chosen the side of the oppressor.”
As sponsors of the Olympics, you have the power to influence the S. Korean government to end the horrific cruelty that is perpetrated against innocent dogs and cats of South Korea.
Two and a half million South Korean dogs are electrocuted, hanged, or beaten to death each year. They are killed in the cruelest ways imaginable, because many South Koreans believe the insidious myth that the more an animal suffers, the tastier the meat and that the medical properties will be enhanced. Thousands of cats are also slaughtered for soups and so-called “health” tonics. They are thrown into boiling water while still alive.
The practice of eating dogs is not widely accepted in South Korea. It gained popularity after the South Korean War. The practice continues to thrive with the aid of greedy restaurateurs, meat dealers, and butchers.
Over the last decade, many in South Korea have embraced the notion of dogs and cats as animal companions. But we must take action to persuade the South Korean government to legalize a ban on dog and cat meat and forever stop this technically illegal, corrupt, and sordid industry.
It is appalling that dogs and cats should be kept in filthy crates, forced to watch their cage mates being tortured and slaughtered. Eyewitnesses have reported dogs being literally torn apart while still alive, their tormentors saying that the more prolonged the torment of death, the better the taste. This attitude toward any living being is at best unforgivable.
Certain things are more important than money. Standing up for what is right is one. And when you show the world that you stand up for the justice and compassion, your business will grow that much more and most of all, you will gain the respect from the billions of people around the globe. 
Thank you! 

Thursday, November 1

I do apologize for being inactive for a month, the last month was pretty busy for me and i haven't really had time to blog; Including me not being in Hong Kong for about 2 weeks, in which i was actually doing some animal reserve work in South Africa!

It was a wonderful experience, going around a ranch that is 4000 hectares big and feeding the animals, cleaning animal sheds that are in captivity.

Did i mention, the poo pellets of a type of Deer called "Sables" look like . Guess who's put off chocolate now!

I will hopefully be blogging more now, but because of university applications and such i don't have quite as much time. Stay Animal Active! 

Sunday, October 28


LA Bans sales of Dogs and Cats from commercial breeders! 

Los Angeles has made a bit of doggy history by becoming the largest city in the USA to ban the sale of specific species of animals that came from commercial breeders. That means that no pet store can sell dogs, cats, or rabbits that aren’t from a rescue or shelter.
The ban is designed to stop pet shops from getting their animals from puppy mills, as well as to help find homes for all the animals who are currently homeless in the city.
According to the LA Times blog, Elizabeth Oreck, working for Best Friends Animal Society, led the legislative effort. About the animals who will no longer be allowed to be sold in the city, Oreck said, “They’re inbred, they’re overbred, they’re irresponsibly bred.”
If you’re not familiar with puppy mills, imagine a place where dogs are bred over and over again to produce purebred dogs that can be sold for sometimes thousands of dollars. To maximize profits, the puppies are often kept in tiny wire cages and neglected before they are shipped across the country to pet stores. In other words, these facilities place profits above the welfare of the animals. And the puppies are the lucky ones. The mothers who are impregnated over and over again suffer the most.
Obviously, not everyone is happy about the ban. Local pet store owners, many who deny getting their dogs from puppy mills, think it’s unfair.
We bet those who see dogs euthanized each and every day at the shelters think it’s pretty fair for those animals. Why breed more dogs when there are so many who need homes?
People will still be allowed to buy animals directly from breeders. However, if a pet store is caught selling dogs from a breeder, they will be fined a first-time penalty of $250 and may face misdemeanor charges. We hope they choose to sell rescue animals instead. There is certainly no shortage.

Friday, October 5

Dog Language

if you learn the dog language, then you wouldn't need to be afraid of dogs.

Monday, October 1

Pit Bull

Pit bull is one of the most killed dog breeds in shelters

Wednesday, September 19

Canine STress Dic

I found a website on tips on looking out for stress in canines, i copied and pasted the information from here:

AnorexiaStress causes the appetite to shut down. A dog who won’t eat moderate to high-value treats may just be distracted or simply not hungry, but refusal to eat is a common indicator of stress.
Appeasement/Deference SignalsAppeasement and deference aren’t always an indicator of stress. They are important everyday communication tools for keeping peace in social hierarchies, and are often presented in calm, stress-free interactions. They are offered in a social interaction to promote the tranquility of the group and the safety of the group’s members. When offered in conjunction with other behaviors, they can be an indicator of stress as well. Appeasement and deference signals include:
Slow movement: appeasing/deferent dog appears to be moving in slow-motion
Lip-licking: appeasing/deferent dog licks at the mouth of the higher ranking member of the social group
Sitting/lying down/exposing underside:appeasing/deferent dog lowers body posture, exposing vulnerable parts
Turning head away, averting eyes:appeasing/deferent dog avoids eye contact, exposes neck
AvoidanceDog turns away; shuts down; evades handler’s touch and treats.
Brow RidgesFurrows or muscle ridges in the dog’s forehead and around the eyes.
Difficulty LearningDogs are unable to learn well or easily when under significant stress.
Digestive DisturbancesVomiting and diarrhea can be a sign of illness – or of stress; the digestive system reacts strongly to stress. Carsickness is often a stress reaction.
Displacement BehaviorsThese are behaviors performed in an effort to resolve an internal stress conflict for the dog. They may be observed in a dog who is stressed and in isolation – for example a dog left alone in an exam room in a veterinary hospital – differentiating them from behaviors related to relationship.
Blinking: Eyes blink at a faster-than normal rate
Nose-Licking: Dog’s tongue flicks out once or multiple times
Chattering teeth
Shaking off (as if wet, but dog is dry)
DroolingMay be an indication of stress – or response to the presence of food, an indication of a mouth injury, or digestive distress.
Excessive Grooming
Dog may lick or chew paws, legs, flank, tail, and genital areas, even to the point of self-mutilation.
HyperactivityFrantic behavior, pacing, sometimes misinterpreted as ignoring, “fooling around,” or “blowing off” owner.
Immune System DisordersLong-term stress weakens the immune system. Immune related problems can improve when overall levels of stress are reduced.
Lack of Attention/FocusThe brain has difficulty processing information when stressed.
Leaning/ClingingThe stressed dog seeks contact with human as reassurance.
Lowered Body Posture“Slinking,” acting “guilty,” or “sneaky” (all misinterpretations of dog body language) can be indicators of stress.
MouthingWillingness to use mouth on human skin – can be puppy exploration or adult poor manners, but can also be an expression of stress, ranging from gentle nibbling (flea biting) to hard taking of treats, to painfully hard mouthing, snapping, or biting.
Obsessive-Compulsive DisordersThese include compulsive imaginary fly-snapping behavior, light- and shadow-chasing, tail-chasing, pica (eating nonfood objects), flank-sucking, self-mutilation, and more. While OCDs probably have a strong genetic component, the behavior itself is usually triggered by stress.
PantingRapid shallow or heavy breathing is normal if the dog is warm or has been exercising, otherwise can be stress-related. Stress may be external (environment) or internal (pain, other medical issues).
StretchingTo relax stress-related tension in muscles. May also occur as a non-stress behavior after sleeping or staying in one place for extended period.
Stiff MovementTension can cause a noticeable stiffness in leg, body, and tail movements.
Sweaty PawsDamp footprints can be seen on floors, exam tables, rubber mats.
TremblingMay be due to stress – or cold.
WhiningHigh-pitched vocalization, irritating to most humans; an indication of stress. While some may interpret it as excitement, a dog who is excited to the point of whining is also stressed.
YawningYour dog may yawn because he’s tired – or as an appeasement signal or displacement behavior.

Monday, September 17


Horses don't deserve to be caught in the polluted traffics.

 IT hurts me to see horses pulling carriages on the street, clip-clopping while dragging a heavy carriage carrying a well fed family of 4.

Stick to public buses, trains and cars. Horses aren't means of transportation anymore, it's the 21st century, we have improved transportation methods, we don't need horses to carry us. 

Thursday, September 13


There are around 7 billion people on earth. 7 billion who eat- not everyone gets food.

Here's the catch - Over 150 billion animals are slaughtered each year.

There are people who don't eat eat; babies who live on milk, vegans and vegetarians

It's scary how the slaughter rate of animals is over 21 times of the number of people on east.

Friday, September 7

Dog Whispers

I saw this TV show on television; Dog Whispers

You guys should check it out!

It's hosted by this professional who helps out people with misbehaving dogs.

I watch it everyday now! It's very interesting and you do learn a lot from experience.

No matter how problematic a dog can be, they're still living things so treasure them and don't abandon them because they're more sensitive to the environment!

Tuesday, September 4

The Question is not can they reason, nor can they talk? But, can they suffer?
- Jeremy Bentham 

Cathay Pacific bans shipments of shark related products

Months of campaigning Cathay Pacific regarding it's air freight shipments of shark fins and shark products have paid off. Initiated by Alex Hofford / Ran Elfassy and backed by many of the worlds shark groups and NGO's, Cathay Pacific have taken the responsible decision to stop all shipments of un-sustainable shark fins and products. Below is their press statement. A great day for the sharks, a great day for Cathay Pacific who will gain a massive respect from all ocean lovers that will hopefully equate to more business for them. Other airlines please take note....

CX (Cathay Pacific) to ban shipments of unsustainable sharks and shark-related products

News out 04 Sep 2012
As part of the Sustainable Development Strategy, Cathay Pacific has a policy on sustainable seafood which prohibits the consumption of shark and shark fin at company events and from being served inflight.

Today (4 September) the airline has taken the decision to stop shipments of unsustainably sourced sharks and shark-related products. This means that, effective immediately, CX will not enter into any new contracts in this regard, unless it can be demonstrated that such products are derived from sustainable sources and can be independently verified through initiatives such as the Marine Stewardship Council (MSC).

The airline has decided to do this on the basis that there is very compelling scientific evidence to support that this is the right thing to do, given CX’s strong commitment to sustainability.

Specifically, due to the vulnerable nature of sharks, their rapidly declining population and the impacts of overfishing for their parts and products, the carriage of these is inconsistent with the airline’s mission of being a socially and environmentally responsible company.

Cathay Pacific Cargo and the Environmental Affairs team have been working very hard on this issue and have established an advisory group that includes respected NGOs to review, from a scientific perspective, the current policy.

The new policy will be implemented through notifications to shippers, new procedures and training for CX staff. The airline estimates it will take approximately three months to make the transition, although work will be done as quickly as possible.

Friday, August 31

Rise of the Planet of the Apes

I really approve of this movie. It's about a laboratory testing an Alzheimer's cure on apes. I won't spoil anything here but it's a really good movie. This just shows how we shouldn't test on animals.

Read the summary/plot here 

Thursday, August 30

Zoo Misconceptions

There is an article claiming that zoos might not all be bad. A possibility in my opinion. What do you think about it?

Read it here


I'm going to be quite busy with university applications and examinations this year so i will be on semi-hiatus until Summer 2013. 

Saturday, August 25


It's a hot summer, i'm sure some of you take your dogs for swims.

However do remember, dogs do drown, so remember to teach your dog properly before you let them swim freely. I'd recommend you don't go to lakes with unlimited swimming. It's much safer for dogs to swim in special pools just for them because they may not tire until it's too late if they're swimming in a deep endless lake.

If your dog has not swam before, you could buy dog life jackets to let your dog train his legs slowly, especially if you're particularly paranoid.

Swimming for dogs, just like for us, is a good way to keep fit, use some energy and even lose some weight if your dog is overweight.

On hot summer days, cool swimming pool water will also cool down your dogs temperature and let them cool down.

Overall, it's a perfect exercise for your dog in summer instead of taking a hot walk underneath the scorching sun

Wednesday, August 22

Adopting Adult Dogs

Some people may think that adopting adult dogs is a bad thing; puppies are cuter, easier to train, less dangerous and more active.

But there are actually a lot of advantages of adopting adult dogs.

So, you’ve recently adopted an adolescent or adult dog, or you’re planning to adopt one from a rescue group or shelter in the near future. Good for you! It generally takes adult dogs a lot longer to get adopted than those irresistible, pudgy puppies – even when they are calmer, better-socialized, house-trained, and past the “chew everything in sight” stage. Shelter staffers often shake their heads as families pass up ideal, kid-friendly adult dogs in favor of pups of some highly inappropriate breed or type, just because they are puppies.
The parents of these boys came to the shelter looking for a puppy . . . but to everyone’s good fortune, they wisely selected this lovely child-loving adult dog. He may have some behavior flaws, but the value of his comfort with and enjoyment of kids will strongly outweigh the minor inconvenience of any training he may need.
There are a multitude of benefits when you bring an adult dog into your family. You don’t have to deal with those nasty-sharp puppy teeth. And because your dog has her adult teeth, she is less likely to chew everything within her reach. If not already housetrained (and many are), a mature dog at least has the physical ability to hold bowels and bladder for longer periods of time, and can usually learn appropriate bathroom habits quickly, with proper management and training.
Plus, an adult needs to be fed only twice a day, whereas young puppies need lunch as well as breakfast and dinner. And healthy, mature dogs are capable of more physical activity than puppies, so if you’re looking for a ready-made exercise partner, you don’t have to wait months for your running buddy to accompany you as you prepare for your next 10k run. As an added benefit, you have that feel-good feeling that comes with adopting a dog who might otherwise not find her forever home.
I do not, by any means, intend to imply that adopting an adult dog is all smooth sailing. Many shelter dogs settle into their new homes without a ripple, but some arrive with minor behavioral challenges, and others carry with them a significant amount of baggage. Don’t despair! If you’re grounded in the reality that no dog is perfect from the get-go, and you’re prepared and poised to help your new dog learn your household rules, conventions, and codes of conduct starting on day 1, his potential for success in your family is very good.
Caveat EmptorMost shelters do some sort of behavior evaluation of the dogs in their care, so you may be warned about potentially inappropriate behaviors. This may come in the form of answers on a questionnaire (if your new dog had been surrendered to the shelter by her previous owner), or notes from a staff member or a volunteer based on their observations. If you don’t allow yourself to get distracted by the shelter’s commotion, you’ll have the opportunity to make your own observations about the potential adoptee during an introduction session. Behaviors like lifting his leg in the get-acquainted room, counter-surfing to snatch toys or treats off the table, or leaping into your lap when you sit on a chair are likely to be repeated in his new environment.
Again: Don’t let these sorts of minor transgressions dissuade you from adopting the dog. All of these are typical for untrained dogs – and absolutely expected from untrained puppies!
What if your new adoptee does seem perfect? While that would be nice, it’s also possible that you will experience a “honeymoon period” with your new family member, one that may range anywhere from a few days to several months. Unforeseen behaviors may manifest over time, as the dog tests new behavioral strategies and discovers which ones are reinforced (by you, by other family members, by visitors, or by the environment), or as she recovers from the recent traumas in her life. She may become bolder about engaging in behaviors that were temporarily shut-down by the stress of her recent life experiences.
If you’re prepared for unwanted behaviors to surface, it will be easier to work through them. If tempted to give up when poor manners emerge, keep in mind that your adoptee’s previous owner(s) already gave up on her at least once, if not several times.
First Things FirstThe first, almost universal answer to the question of handling behavior problems is management, hand-in-hand with a medical exam.
These days, many shelter dogs come with a free “well-pet exam.” Commonly, private veterinarians in practice near a shelter generously offer their services at a discount for dogs adopted from the shelter or rescue. Take advantage of the offer as soon as possible. If your dog doesn’t come with a free check-up, make an appointment for the veterinarian you’ve interviewed and selected to be your dog’s doctor.
It’s not uncommon for a previously undetected health problem that could lead to behavior issues to be identified at this time. For example, my husband and I adopted an adult Pomeranian, who lifted his leg and peed in the house – a lot! The veterinarian who provided a reduced-cost exam diagnosed a bladder stone, the removal of which quickly resolved Scooter’s house soiling behavior.
Management’s role is also critical in modifying your adopted dog’s behavior. The more often she gets to practice (and be reinforced for) an inappropriate behavior, the harder it is to modify that behavior down the road. The behavior becomes a well-practiced habit; she’ll be convinced that it will pay off if she just tries hard enough, or often enough. Don’t wait “to give her time to settle in.” Start reinforcing the behaviors you like the most (such as polite sitting) ASAP.
Common (Mis)Behaviors in Adopted adult Dogs Here are some common misbehaviors you might find in adult shelter dogs, along with some tips on how to work with them. If you have to prioritize a list of undesirable behaviors that came with your adopted dog, I’d suggest you start with the first two that follow: house soiling and separation anxiety, as they are two that are most likely to cause your dog to lose her happy home, yet again.
House Soiling – Some adult shelter dogs are already housetrained. Some are not. Depending on how house-proud you are, house soiling may be a minor annoyance, or a major affront to your sensibilities. When you bring your shelter dog home, assume she isn’t housetrained, and put her on an express puppy housetraining schedule: Under constant supervision (with the help of baby gates, closed doors, and leashes) or in a crate or exercise pen. Of course, you must crate train her if she isn’t already, in order to take advantage of this valuable management tool. If you just toss her in her crate and leave, you risk teaching her to hate her crate. (See “Crate Expectations,” January 2011.)
Take her outside every hour on the hour for the first day or two, and reward and praise on the spot when she eliminates. If she seems to be getting the idea, over the course of a few days, gradually give her more house freedom and extend the time between trips outside. If gradual freedom results in house accidents, go back to more supervision (and clean the soiled spots well with an enzymatic cleaner designed for cleaning up animal waste).
If you catch her mid-accident, cheerfully interrupt her with an “Oops! Outside!” Take her to her potty spot – and make a mental note to amp up your supervision and increase her bathroom opportunities. Do not make a big deal, or you risk teaching her it’s not safe to go in your presence. Good luck getting her to go to the bathroom on leash if that happens!
At first, don’t crate your dog for more than four hours at a time. That might mean hiring a dog walker if no one in the family can come home and let her out at lunchtime. Eight hours at night is acceptable, as long as she is crated where you can hear her (preferably in your bedroom) if she wakes up and asks to go out. If your dog soils her crate or exercise pen during a reasonable period of confinement, you have a bigger challenge ahead of you. You may need to reverse crate train, which means putting her in the crate for short periods, only when you know she is “empty,” and having her under your direct supervision when she’s not crated.
If your dog is having inexplicable accidents despite your excellent management, head back to the vet to determine if she has a urinary tract infection (which makes it impossible for her to hold her urine for very long), loose stools (which would make it impossible to hold her bowel movements for long), or some other condition that makes it difficult or impossible for her to be housetrained.
“Marking” is a different behavior from simple housesoiling. It is sometimes (but not always) resolved by neutering. Persistent marking can be caused by stress. If that’s the case with your shelter dog, removing as much stress as possible from his life may help. You may need to engage the services of a qualified behavior professional who uses positive reinforcement methods. Belly-bands and “PeeKeepers” (see are useful house-preserving tools to use on your dog while you try to modify marking behavior. (For more about dogs who “mark” indoors, see “Missing the Mark,” September 2009.)
Separation anxiety – Full-blown separation anxiety can be an extremely challenging behavior to live with, manage, and modify. For starters, most dogs with significant separation or isolation issues don’t tolerate a crate well, so the “confine them to keep them out of trouble” option isn’t available.
The good news is that many of these dogs actually have separation (have to be with the one person the dog has connected to) or isolation (doesn’t like to be left alone) distress, rather than true anxiety. The intensity of canine behavior with these conditions is on a continuum from low level intensity (unhappy, but calms down after a reasonably short time, without destroying the house) to extreme panic (dog injures himself, vocalizes non-stop for hours on end, and causes massive destruction to household). If your shelter adoptee is demonstrating anxiety on the extreme end of the continuum, a trip to the veterinarian for anti-anxiety medications is in order. This will make life easier for her, and for you, while you work to modify her behaviors. (For more information about separation anxiety and separation distress, see “Scared to be Home Alone,” July 2008.)
Dr. Karen Overall’s very detailed, “Protocol for Relaxation” is useful for modifying separation/isolation distress ( A downloadable, auditory version can be found at
Vocalizing – There are many different kinds of canine vocalizations: barking, whining, howling, yelping, growling, and more. You may not want to stop all of your dog’s noisemaking, but there may be some you’d prefer to minimize. It’s important that you learn and understand what each one means before simply trying to make them all go away. There may even be some you decide you’d like to reinforce! (For more about training your dog to be quieter, see “Positively Quiet,” July 2007.)
Chewing – If you think adopting an adult dog is guaranteed to save you from chewing disasters, think again. While puppies are the masters of chewing behavior, dogs really do chew throughout their lives. If a dog has been well managed, he will develop appropriate chew-preferences and be reasonably trustworthy around your possessions. If he was allowed to run amuck as a pup and chew whatever he wanted, then nothing in your home is safe.
Of course, you have no way of knowing which you may have, so until she proves otherwise, you’ll need to assume that your new dog might chew anything she can get her teeth into. While you’re supervising and managing her behavior for housetraining purposes in her early days with you, keep an eagle eye out for indications of inappropriate chewing (while, of course, providing her with appropriate chew objects).
In relatively short order you should figure out if you’re home free on the chewing issue, or if you’ll need to completely overhaul her mouth behavior management and redirection. For a long-term chew-training protocol, see “Chew, Chew, Train!” in the August 2007 issue.
Note: If chewing is accompanied by other undesirable behaviors such as general destruction, barking, and aversion to crating, consider separation or isolation anxiety as possibilities.
Jumping up – Remember, your dog’s jumping up has nothing to do with dominance. (See “Alpha, Schmalpha,” in the December 2011 issue). She’s probably either trying to greet you, get you to pay attention to her, or perhaps seeking reassurance, if she’s stressed or frightened.
The answer to this training challenge is to make sure that no one reinforces her for jumping up. Make sure that every person who wants to greet the dog is prepared to turn his or her back and step away from her when she jumps.
Next, reinforce “sit” very generously, with high-value treats, to help this polite deference behavior become her default choice (her first behavior option – the one she chooses when she isn’t sure what to do) and make sure everyone gives her attention for sitting. (See “Keeping Four on the Floor,” May 2008.) If she’s jumping up for reassurance, determine what is stressing her and make that stressor go away until you can help her become comfortable with it.
Pulling on Leash – Lots of dogs pull on leash. As annoying as it might be, don’t take it personally – and don’t blame dominance for this one, either! Dogs who pull just want to get where they want to go, and they want to get there faster than you do. If you want her to walk politely on leash, reinforce her generously when there’s no tension on the leash, and stop moving forward when the leash tightens.
If there are times when you know you won’t have time for the “stop and wait for loose leash” dance – for example, if you want her to jog with you – use a different kind of collar or harness that will let her know, “In this outfit you are allowed to pull.”
For more information about teaching your dog to walk on a loose leash, see “Good Dog Walking,” March 2007.
There Might Be MoreThere’s a good chance you will encounter other behaviors that we haven’t covered above. In every case, there is a solution to be found that can help your dog become the well-behaved companion you want her to be. You can read good books and search for answers online (and in the WDJ online archives!).
Remember to look for positive solutions; you want your new dog to like you, trust you, and want to be with you. You may need to consult a qualified positive behavior professional to help you find answers. As you research the behavior and search for answers, keep these important reminders in your head at all times: Be gentle. Be clear. Be consistent. Be persistent. Be positive. Most of all, for your adopted dog’s sake, be her forever person.
Pat Miller, CBCC-KA, CPDT-KA, CDBC, is WDJ’s Training Editor. Author of numerous books on positive dog training, she lives in Fairplay, Maryland, site of her Peaceable Paws training center, where she offers dog training classes and courses for trainers. 
This is taken from Whole Dog Journal