Sunday, November 25

Animal Testing

So i had a message from another anonymous another day:

Not all animal experimenting are bad are you crazy. Don't talk like you know all the facts of animal testing

I don't know all the facts of animal testing. But then again, it has to depend on what you mean by "bad". If you mean not animal experimenting is unjustified, then yes, i do agree with that because i certainly agree that without animal testing the medical research would not be as updated as it is and animal testing has also played an important role in cancer research.

However, if you mean that not all animal experimenting is cruel. Then i would have to counter that. Animal Testing is justified by the medical industry, with their reports and multiple claims of how animal testing has helped the medical industry advance. This is only thinking in economic terms. As a human it's perfectly normal to think of money and health. However, there are animal activists who think of ethical and moral values. Animal Testing is in no way justified morally.

If animal testing isn't cruel, then why do we test on animals and not on humans? Surely, if it's just a few injections with no side effects nor mistreatment, then testing on humans wouldn't be so strongly rejected? 

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