Friday, March 16


Perhaps some people just won't feel the strong "against animal cruelty" feeling like i do, but i know that a lot of people do, and my regular views do too, i'm sure of that. Everytime the subject of animal comes up, i get excited and passionate, but when it is about animal abuse or animal cruelty or something of that sort, my anger fires up.

I really hate living in a world how there are people who get satisfaction from hurting creatures that are vulnerable and less strong. And yes, this applies to bullying too, and as a victim of bullying, i can say that it is one of the worst experiences in life and i would never want that to happen ever again. Animals are beautiful. They're easy to bond with. Easy to communicate with even though we don't speak a common language.

No one likes to feel helpless. When you're helpless, you try to hold on to someone who could help you. Same goes to animals. But the thing is, we can speak up, we can fight, but those poor little creatures can't.

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